Acting, Singing and Dancing
The Notre Dame School Drama Program puts on a yearly performance involving 3rd – 8th Graders. Students are given the opportunity to gain experience acting, singing, and dancing on stage and behind the scenes with costumes, music, and lighting. 7th and 8th Graders can select the Drama Elective, and 3rd – 6th Graders can be in the drama program after school. Practices and performances are directed by NDS Faculty and parent volunteers.
Yearly performances have included The Music Man, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The King & I, Beauty & the Beast Jr., Oklahoma, and The Wizard of Oz.
"I’ve seen my daughter gain the confidence to get up on stage and sing and dance in front of three hundred people in the audience. And I thought she was shy!” – NDS Parent
"I’ve never seen such a wonderful performance including so many of the students” – King & I Performance by NDS Grandparent
'You can see the excitement in every student’s face no matter what role they have – their costume, their smile – what a wonderful performance” – Fantastic Mr. Fox by NDS Parent
'This was one of my favorite plays when I was younger – such a treat to see it again performed by kids” – Music Man by NDS Parent